zaterdag 16 november 2013

14. 16 Nov. 2013

The lucky re-emerge of Lucretius' De rerum natura, described in Stephen Greenblatt's book 'The Swerve: How the World became Modern' 
(De Zwenking: Hoe de wereld modern werd, 2008).
And an extract from Alan Watts' 'Het Niets' 
('Nothing', part III of the Essence of Alan Watts, 1974).

- Popol Vuh : Hosianna Mantra (1972)
- Lyres : Ain't goin' nowhere (1992)
- Destroy All Monsters : Bored (1979)
- Sainkho Namtchylak : Like Transparent Shadow (2000)
- Baby Woodrose : Dark Twin (2007)
- Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats : 13 Candles (2011)
- The Sword : Lawless Lands (2010)
- The Wipers : Land of the Lost (1986)
- Alan Stivell : Ys (1971)

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